Hi there!
I am writing this blog post for my 2022 clients to help them find me at the Rocker 7 Farm Patch for their sunflower photo shoot coming up in mid October.
The day of your photo shoot I will text you a photo of me, just to help you find me. See the aerial map below - I like to photograph where the red Xs are. This is where we will do your photo shoot, so look for me here.
Rocker 7 Farm Patch is located at 19601 W Broadway Rd, Buckeye, AZ 85326. Entry is $8 per person, including babies and kids.
I see other photographers out at the Rocker 7 Farm Patch and sometimes they are really dressed up. They look as good as their clients. While I would love to look that good and professional, you will usually find me wearing sneakers (I had spinal fusion surgery in 2014 and after that New Balance zero drop sneakers are the only thing that are truly comfortable for me to wear - plus, as a working farm, the sunflower fields do get muddy and dusty.) I’ll be wearing a T-shirt (frequently the T-shirt that Rocker 7 Farm Patch sells) and probably black basketball shorts, because they are the best thing to be able to wear while it’s hot and also sit or lay down on the ground for some shots.
I will have a black wagon with me, full of gear. I bring a step ladder, little chairs for kids to sit on, a little bench for kids and adults to sit on, a big gold reflector and a big white light modifier (see the pics below.)
Side note: frequently kids are intrigued by the big gold reflector and want to pick it up and play with it. If your kid does this, that is totally, completely fine! These things are indestructible. I am absolutely not worried about a kid picking them up, they can’t hurt them.
Here’s some pics of me taken in 2020 and 2021.
This one is with my stepson, who sometimes comes out to the sunflowers to assist me. I was wearing Rocker 7 Farm Patch’s T-shirt that day. I like wearing it because it is such a bright yellow shirt that it makes it pretty easy for people to find me. Side bonus is some of the people working at Rocker 7 think I’m part of the crew and are chatty with me.
Here’s a video of me photographing my cousins at the end of their photo shoot in 2020. My bonus son is filming it and that’s who you hear talking. This is back in 2020. Wearing a mask and I had pink hair. Seeing this makes me want pink hair again.
I do not love this photo of me! This was taken after sessions were over one evening last year. I was walking by a woman and her daughter. She asked me to snap some pics of them and then asked if I wanted pics. Thinking of how dirty I was (can you see the dirt on my knees? haha) I started to say no, but then changed my mind because I want to remember this, no matter how dirty I was. Someday i need to get dressed up and have photos taken of me in the sunflowers!